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¡Feliz Año Nuevo!  Happy New Year!

A final de año: At the end of the year.

A fin de año: At the end of the year.

A finales de año : Towards the end of the year.

Al principio del año / A principios de año: At the beginning of the year

At the end of the year (A fin de año), it tends to be a time of reflection (un tiempo de reflexión), when many of us go through our experiences of successes and probably failures too.

¿Qué hemos logrado este año? : What have we achieved this year?

¿En qué fallamos este año? : Where did we fail this year?

But the most important question we must consider is: How can we do it better? (¿Cómo podemos hacerlo mejor?)

A principios de año: At the beginning of the year, many people like to set goals for the rest of the year. Are we being realistic with our goals? Are all our goals long term? Or do we also consider short term goals? Achievable goals? Have you set a deadline? 

Have you thought about what would be your reward at the end of that goal? I don’t mean money wise, but, what would you like to achieve after that, what’s the purpose of your goal? Would it end there? Or would it lead you to achieve something else?

Whatever you plan, make it worth it for you, for your personal growth. And remember what is big for you, doesn’t necessarily have to be for others, your goals must matter to you. If you are happy, you will expand that happiness to your surroundings and your loved ones.

Have a wonderful and very successful 2024!

¡Que tengas un maravilloso y muy exitoso 2024!

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