Use the adverb YA, and the expression YO SUELO, even if you are a beginner.
If you have already come across the adverb YA, you may have realised that this little word has so many meanings and the way you pronounce it could also change its meaning. It could be confusing. But if you are a beginner or new to it, let me help you take your Spanish to another level by showing you a little trick with one of the uses of this word.
Ya : Already
¿Ya decoraste para navidad? Have you already put the decorations up for Christmas?/ Have you put the decorations up for Christmas?
¿Ya pusiste el árbol de navidad? Have you already put the Christmas tree up?
Yo, todavía. Pero algunos amigos míos ya decoraron sus casas. I haven’t yet. But I have some friends who have already put their decorations up in their houses.
Coloca el adverbio ya delante del verbo cuando quieres expresar que una acción específica ha sido concluida. Place the adverb YA when you want to express that a specific action has already been done.
Yo suelo/ Yo no suelo : I tend to …+ infinitive verb / I don’t tend to…+ infinitive verb
Yo no suelo decorar para navidad antes del mes de diciembre. ¿Y tú?
I don’t tend to put the decorations up before December. And you?
¿Sabías que en Perú el día más importante de la navidad es la nochebuena, el 24 en la noche? Ese día se suele celebrar con la familia cercana, el primer núcleo familiar. Mamá, papá e hijos menores de edad. Al siguiente día, el veinticinco se celebra en grande con el resto de la familia para la hora de almuerzo. Este tipo de tradición sucede en la mayoría de los países de Latinoamérica y en muchos hogares de España.
Did you know that in Peru the most important day of Christmas time is Christmas Eve, on the night of the 24th? That day is usually celebrated with the immediate family: Mom, Dad and children under age. The next day, on the 25th, is a bigger celebration with all the extended family at lunchtime. This type of tradition happens in most Latin American countries and in many homes in Spain.
¿Y tú? ¿Cuál es el día más importante de la navidad en tu cultura?
Which is the most important day during Christmas in your culture?
¿Qué planes tienes para navidad?
What are your plans for Christmas?
Te deseo unas lindas fiestas navideñas.
I wish you a wonderful Christmas time.
¡Feliz Navidad!
Lulu 🙂